
Society for Chemical Hypersensitivity

And all of a sudden, my family might experience these symptoms.

I wish I could provide some useful information.

I want to return the profits from this site to those who are sensitive to chemicals.

I created the site with the feeling that

Do You Know Multiple Chemical Sensitivity?

When you get a sudden illness, your usual life is very difficult. No matter what you are suffering from, even the detergents and air fresheners you use in your daily life can get you stuck.

I want you to know that there are such people.
Also, I want you to think about your health.


Mineral balance is important for good health.
If you look at the minerals in your hair, you’ll see amazing results.
It may affect the balance of the autonomic nerves.

Are you checking your health?

The Association for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is looking for information members to provide information.

The Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Association is looking for people who sympathize with this website, sponsors, and supporters who share it on SNS.

It is operated by volunteers.
Revenues and donations on this site will be returned to patients and information members suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity.

I wish you good health.
I would be happy if everyone could learn about the multiple chemical sensitivity illness.

Your efforts will reduce the burden on the body of patients with MCS.

Thank you

GK MINT, Japan
Representative Mitsuko Okada


